Sketchup for schools lesson plans pdf
Sketchup for schools lesson plans pdf

The findings suggest that children may use different discursive constructions-“another world”, “different ways to go”, and “flat vs fat”-to display their meanings about dimension. Transcribed data of two key moments selected from six audiovisually recorded geometry lessons are presented. This paper explores how year 5/6 (9 to 11 years old) children construct and negotiate their meanings about dimension while engaging in classroom interactions about 2D and 3D shapes during geometry lessons in a New Zealand (NZ) English-medium multilingual primary classroom.

sketchup for schools lesson plans pdf

Yet, research in mathematics education has rarely explored children’s understanding of dimension in primary education. The mathematical construct of dimension is one of the fundamental ideas for developing a sound understanding of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) shapes.

Sketchup for schools lesson plans pdf